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Scroll down for Cat Grooming information.
Cat Grooming
Prices are based on 6-10 weekly grooming. Leaving for longer than 12 weeks will add to the grooming time and cost. For the most preventative grooming and reduced shedding and matting a regular grooming is necessary.
Cat Clipping
All prices depend on coat condition, time required and behaviour. Price and behaviour assessment at Groomers discretion. Matting and large cats may be extra.
Lion Clip /Modified Lion Clip
From $120
Clipping of body leaving around 3mm and legs natural, shaving pads where cat allows. Lion Clip- leaving lion tail and mane. Modified Lion Clip-Leaving tail, trimming around head. Add $10 if it has been over 3 months, teddy clip or first clip.
Full Clipping and Bath
From $160
Full Clipping and bathing, blow-dry, nails. Add $10 for over 6kg
Teddy Bear/Comb Clip
From $170
Full coat trimming 6-16mm, bathing, blow-drying and de-shedding. Bathing/blow-drying assessment appointment required prior to a long groom. Add $10 for over 6kg.
Bathing, Blow-drying and Coat De-shedding
Hand washing at least twice with specialty products, nail clipping, blow-drying and de-shedding by combing while drying. Price is based on $100 per hour.
Brazilian $30 extra with bathing package.
Matting and excessive undercoat extra.
Most Short-haired Cats require 1 hour
Medium to Longhair
Most Medium to Long-haired Cats require 1-1.5 hours
Large Cat/Triple Coated
Most Triple Coated (eg. Maine Coon) and Large Cats over 6kg require 1.5 hours.
Kitten Grooming under 6 months/4kg
From $55 (30mins)
Introductory to grooming session. Most kittens under 4kg require 30 mins to an hour.
Hairless Cat Groom/Shorthair Rex
Bath with specialised shampoo and conditioner, nail clip, nail cleaning where possible, facial cleaning, ear cleaning extra.
Minimum appointment costs may apply.
Nail Clipping
Nail Clipping without any clipping or bathing.
Ear Cleaning
External ear cleaning
Foaming Facial Clean
From $15
Cleaning of eye creases, chin and cheeks with foaming facial and wipes
Sectional Clipping
From $25
Underarms OR Belly OR Chest OR Sanitary OR Small mats
From $60
Clipping of underneath of cat (underarms, belly/ belly/ sanitary and in between)
Pads, ruff, or pants trimming
$25 each
Please note: Matting fees range from $10 to 100. Extreme matting will be referred to a Veterinary Clinic as we will not stress or have a cat at risk groomed without being under Veterinary supervision.
Cats with fleas will be charged a Flea Fee/cancellation fee and sent home ungroomed. We do not take cats with parasites at our salon as this is a risk to other cats and our pets.
Behaviour cats will not be taken without anxiety medication under Veterinary Care. They may be charged extra if extra care is needed. They may be sent home if stressed or deemed a risk to staff or themselves, with total fees required.
Prices can change at any time, depending on our grooming conditions.
The groom can be discontinued at any time at Groomer’s discretion.
By booking, you agree to our grooming conditions.
Cat Grooming Information
All cats are groomed without sedation and with tender, loving care and low-stress handling. If we believe your cat is too stressed out by the situation, we may refer you to a Veterinarian for clipping under sedation (minimum fees still apply). Most cats can be clipped and bathed; some are better groomed than dogs. We groom compliant and shy cats only for our staff’s safety.
Cat Grooming is one-on-one. (One cat per groomer at a time.) Cats are only at the salon for their grooming times. No early drop-off or later pick-ups are accepted, as this can add stress to your cat or other cats.
We recommend you stay nearby or in the salon for your cat’s first grooming. Grooming takes an average of 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Cats cannot handle long grooming sessions. For safety reasons, nail clipping is included for all grooms.
Cats booked for bathing are hand-washed at least twice with cat-specific shampoo and blow-dried; this removes the excess dead coat, dander, dandruff, and excess oils that cause matting, excessive shedding and hairballs.
Please note coat clipping can change your cat’s coat colour and texture, especially after matting and with age/existing health conditions. We recommend bathing and prevention of matting, over clipping.
Before the Groom- The Cat Carrier
We will only groom cats with a good temperament and those that cannot be sedated for medical reasons. Cat availability is low as we only attend to a regular clientele.
We need to consider our safety and longevity, so we may muzzle (Elizabethan vet collar) as we deem necessary for the safety of the cat and Groomer.
Cats are unpredictable, so if we decide not to groom your cat, we have assessed the cat’s stress signs and body language and made an educated decision.
Please bring your cats in separate carriers. They may become aggressive towards each other after grooming, as they smell and look different. Cats not in carriers may be rejected.
Post-Grooming: After a cat is clipped, it is unusually affectionate. Grooming a cat gives them more time to play. Less to groom and sometimes a new lease on life; others may hide for the first day or so; every cat is different. Multi-cat households are recommended to be separated for up to 1 night after grooming for their scent to return.
Maintenance schedules:
Bathing and Blow-drying
Two weekly- Hairless and Rex cats
4-6 weekly- Persians and high-maintenance coats
6-8 weekly- Most medium to long-haired cats, including Maine Coons.
Ten weeks-Short-haired cats.
6-8 weeks- Teddy and Comb Clips
10 weeks- Lion clips, Modified Lion Clips