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New Client Form or update details (Cats).
Shedding, matting, allergies, veterinary request, prevention of matting, dandruff, age, cat won't allow, hairballs, parasites, grass seeds, other.
Aggression? Biting? Hissing? None?
Yes/No/Unsure and details
No show and cancellation policy. I agree that I will be on time for my booking and if more than 10 minutes late, I will be rescheduled with a $75 fee. I understand that grooming time is reserved for my pet and that 24hours notice is needed for cancellation or a no show fee will apply of $75 per pet. I understand that the Groomer does not have room for my Cat over the designated time, and waiting can stress a cat, and that I will be charged $15 per 15minutes of being late to pick up my cat, payable before pick up.
Price may change at Groomer’s discretion. Bathing is charged per hour before matting. There will be a fee for Matting/ aggression/ fleas/ hard to groom/bad skin/ infected ears/ extra time needed/ biting etc. If my cat fouls on the way to the salon, bathing will be an extra fee, so I agree to line the carrier. Matted and behaviour cats are wear and tear on the equipment and the Groomer.
I understand that the Groomer (Staff employed at Lexie's Dog and Cat Grooming, 17 Nasturtium Gardens Beeliar) will apply every care and attention to my Cat's Grooming, and that the shaving process may uncover existing skin complaints, and that close shaving can cause grazing, nicking, clipper rash, skin or eye irritation, cats are high risk to these skin injury and grooming stress. The Groomer will try their best to avoid these cases but they are a rare but normal occurrence with Grooming, especially cats. I give permission for the Groomer to administer first aid for small grazes/nicks as leaving them may cause further injury. I understand that if this may occur, it may be due to my pets’ coat condition, skin or behaviour and that all cost associated for treatment is my responsibility and it is up to me to seek Veterinary advice. I have given all information for my pets’ health concerns to the Groomer and the Groomer is not liable for any pre-existing health conditions that may show, during or after the groom. Grooming in cats can cause stress to the kidneys, heart and other organs, that can result in death, this is rare but I am informed, that there is a risk, and if the Groomer deems it necessary to stop, that it is in the best interest of the cat. I understand that if I want to help the Groomer with the cat’s grooming, that I may be bitten and scratched, and that the Groomer in not Liable for any damages to me or the pet. I understand the Grooming result can depend on my pets’ coat condition and behaviour, it is at the owners decision to have it Groomed.
By staying for the grooming you will be risking injury to yourself. Cats under stress will act aggressively no matter if known to them. You agree that Lexie's Dog and Cat Grooming and the staff are not liable for any injuries you receive from the cat or any other cats in salon you choose to have contact with.
I understand that Lexie's Dog and Cat Grooming has a strict rebooking policy of under 12 weeks between grooms. I understand that there is limited availability
My pet/s image or video may be displayed on social media or websites owned by Lexie's Dog and Cat Grooming or Cat Grooming Education with Lexie. Used for educational or advertising purposes. Lexie's Dog and Cat Grooming owns these images and videos, and all profits associated. If you disagree please contact us in writing at so we can add this to your notes.
If you disagree with any of the above fields except social media, we cannot groom your cat.